That sh*t will never sell by author David Gluckman

That sh*t will never sell

The story of the men who sold the world what it didn’t know it wanted.
Again and again.

by David Gluckman

From his unexpected entry into the drinks industry in 1969, to his global adventures with IDV (now Diageo), David Gluckman’s story is not just about the successes: it also includes the fascinating failures. That Sh*t Will Never Sell delves into the heart of innovation, revealing how the author’s clear, simple thinking led to the creation of iconic brands like Baileys Irish Cream and Tanqueray Ten.

David’s career led him to experiences in countries ranging from Mauritius to Russia. His insights into original product creation offer a rare glimpse into the art of creative avant-garde thinking. With 47 ideas explored, this book is not just a memoir; it's a masterclass in inventive ingenuity. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding innovator, Gluckman's story is a testament to the power of creativity in the marketplace. Delve into this inspirational journey and discover not only an enthralling story but also the principles of success through innovation and sheer bloody-minded determination.

Published By

Prideaux Press
That sh*t will never sell


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Metal 5 Stars

“David Gluckman's entertaining book is an autobiographical canter down past bosky paths of inventing new drinks. It's written in a delightfully human self-deprecating style where foibles, flops, and fuckups are admitted as necessary steps on the way to success”

Peter Fine​,

Review of That Sh*t Will Never Sell

“A fascinating and often amusing read about the drinks industry. It's an easy to get into book full of Chandler-esque anecdotes from the author's travels around the world”


Review of That Sh*t Will Never Sell

“David's book was a hilarious, informative and inspiring read. Not only is it a must for anyone involved in creating drinks or drink brands, but a really useful text for anyone looking to bring any new idea to life”

Chris Hannaway

Review of That Sh*t Will Never Sell

“I spent a couple of absolutely fabulous days in December reading your brilliant book, “That sh*t will never sell!” It was terrific - packed full of psychology and creativity. It was an extraordinary read. I have been recommending it to friends and colleagues since”

Neil Martin

Review of That Sh*t Will Never Sell

“David Gluckman is a wonderfully funny writer"

Jilly Cooper

Review of That Sh*t Will Never Sell


On Baileys:

He sipped at the muddy-brown liquid with absolutely no enthusiasm. And then, it is said, he pronounced the immortal words “That shit will never sell!”

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


“When do you blow out the flame?" a colleague asked. “When everyone in the restaurant has seen it,” was the confident reply.

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


…and for the first and last time in my career, my introduction was accompanied by a round of applause. “How did they like it?” I asked excitedly. Ryu didn’t know me too well and looked a little sheepish until he eventually blurted out “They hated it.”

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell

ON Baileys

“Oh no” he said, “Two policemen came in this afternoon and demolished the whole bottle between them.”

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell

ON Baileys

“Oh-my-God. Baileys. My mother absolutely adores it. Did you hear that Jocasta? This man invented Baileys. It’s unreal. He must be terribly rich. Baileys Cream. Wow!

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


If I said anything about ‘the French’, it was a complete turnoff. Americans regarded them as the rudest people on earth. But say that something was ‘from France’ and that made all the difference. That meant it had real class, was the best.

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


I could almost smell Max’s impatience. I grabbed a pencil from his desk and unceremoniously penetrated the opening in the bottle. Out came Baileys in random globs, some into the glass, some onto Max’s desk.

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


The mixable Baileys product was a disaster. Cream and fizzy lemonade were uncomfortable bedfellows and the result of the mixture was an almost chewable dirty substance which some malicious barmen dubbed ‘Gorilla Snot’.

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


…..none other than Princess Diana, ‘The People’s Princess’ selected Aqua Libra alongside champagne as favourite drinks in a CV feature in You Magazine in the Mail on Sunday.

Excerpt from That Sh*t Will Never Sell


David Gluckman Baileys Creator and Author of That Sh*t Will Never Sell

David Gluckman

David Gluckman loves taking chances.  His mantra is “If you don’t know what you can’t do, you can do anything!”  Born and educated in South Africa, he was inspired by a book called Madison Avenue USA, by Martin Mayer to go into advertising.  He made a wrong turn to start with and became an account executive, a ‘suit’, a job he did for ten years in Johannesburg and London.

In 1969 he switched to become a creator of brands and has been doing it ever since.  He loves ideas but feels that people approach them too cautiously.  Based in the UK, he has worked all over the world.  The bulk of his experience has been in the US, but other countries on his visa list include India, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Hong Kong and South Korea.  He even managed four trips on Concorde.  His list of brands includes Baileys, Sheridan’s, The Singleton, Purdey’s, Aqua Libra and Tanqueray Ten.


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